Parent Teachers Association

Ghyll Royd School and Pre-School have a very active Parent Teachers Association who organise a variety of social events for the children and parents, which raise funds towards resources and equipment for the school. Some of the recent items purchased by the PTA include the move and installation of our kiln, classroom carpets and new nappy changing facilities.

Events include the annual Christmas Bazaar, Wreath Making, termly Discos, Easter Egg Hunts, Bushcraft days and we support the School in their own events through fundraising stalls.

The Ghyll Royd PTA meet at least once per term to discuss new events and ways to support the School. The PTA was newly founded in 2019 and is fully supportive of parent involvement, no matter what the commitment level. We have committee roles as well as volunteer roles for various events.

If you wish to contact the PTA please email