Molly’s Magical Mystery – The Ghyll Royd Christmas Experience

Molly's Magical Mystery - The Ghyll Royd Christmas Experience
With a year like no other before, the PTA decided that this year our Christmas celebrations at school will also be like nothing we have done before! We are super excited to this year join up with The Rainbow Factory in hosting Molly’s Magical Mystery – A Ghyll Royd Christmas Experience.
The Rainbow Factory delivers informative & educational content in a fun and creative way that inspires meaningful engagement & empowers not just kids, but everyone’s imagination!
Every year the Santa’s sleigh has to be taken for a test run by Santa’s Chief Elf, prior to the big day, to ensure its reliability for Santa on Christmas Eve.
Disaster! Santa’s Sleigh has crashed during the pre-Christmas test drive into Ghyll Royd School. Molly, the Chief Elf, suspects foul play. Gremlins (the Elves evil cousins) are out causing trouble. Several of the Sleigh’s secret contents have gone missing and Gremlin footprints lead into the Ghyll Road woodland area. Luckily for Molly, she has lots of Ghyll Royd Elves that can help them work out exactly what has gone wrong…
  • We’ll be selling Elf Passes at £10 per child, this will entitle each child to:
    Non uniform day – Festive Fun and Sparkle theme
  • A theatrical performance
  • A woodland “treasure hunt”
  • A craft workshop (choice of crafts)
  • Special story time with Santa for the EYFS and KS1 children
  • A Magic show with Santa for KS2 children
  • A specially wrapped gift from Santa
  • A “themed lunch” by Chef Sean
  • A cup of hot chocolate and marshmellows to enjoy in class
  • A visit to the Christmas Gremlin Grotto for a special sweet treat, served by non-other than the PTA Elves, Twinkle Sparkle Pants, Peppermint Pointy Toes & Joyful Twinkle Toes
To reserve your child’s pass, please email the PTA.
We ask that you please do not send any money in to school. Please make payment directly into the PTA account, by no later than the 02/12/20 and use your child’s name as reference.
We are super excited for an AMAZING day that not only the children will enjoy, but we think the teachers will LOVE too!
Twinkle Sparkle Pants, Peppermint Pointy Toes & Joyful Twinkle Toes xxx

Date(s) - 8th December 2020
All Day